Our Beliefs

These are the core tenets that we, as a church, hold to as the foundation of our faith.

Jesus is Lord

We believe in one God in three persons— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit— who created all things visible and invisible, and out of chaos created order. We believe that God is fully revealed in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and lived on earth as both fully human and fully divine. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, the powers of sin and death have been conquered. Jesus is the supreme King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Alpha and Omega.

Holy Spirit and holiness

We believe that the Holy Spirit is not just poetry, but a real person of the one true Triune God that leads us into all truth, convicts us of sin, incorporates us into Christ, empowers transformation in us to proclaim and demonstrate the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven. As the Holy Spirit works in and through us, we more fully reflect the image of God in which humanity was created.

Supremacy of Scripture

As we continue to work out our faith, we are guided by the Holy Spirit and the sixty-six books of the Bible (Genesis to Revelation). We believe that all scripture is inspired by God and is God’s authoritative and supernatural Word for the Christian life. We believe the Bible provides the guidance to live healthy, transformed lives that reflect the Kingdom of God.

A Call To Unity

We believe when people respond in faith to the Good News of Jesus Christ they become members of God’s one Church— the Body and Bride of Christ. As the people of God, we are called to be a catalyst for unity that crosses human borders of race, citizenship, language, and gender both within the church and every place we go. This unity gives glory to God and demonstrates the Kingdom of God here on Earth.

Love God, Love Neighbors

We believe that the greatest commandment is to love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Learning to live this out is a consecration and ongoing process of giving your whole self to God. As we are remade in God’s image and likeness, we learn to love ourselves and love our neighbors. It is only through the power of God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that we can love God and neighbor in this way. When we fail, God is always willing to forgive and restore.