
Working and Growing Together

We believe that every follower is called to live out the values of the kingdom: generosity, hospitality, Christ-likeness, Spirit-led, and missional. We practice embodying these values through our Rule of Life: BELLS in all the places where we rest, work, and play.

While God loves you as an individual and knows every hair on your unique head, God is restoring and redeeming us to participate in a Kingdom community of relationships that bring joy, delight, and growth. This is part of our privilege as members of the Body of Christ. Sometimes, these relationships form organically. Other times, they are formed by intentionally spending time with new people while learning and serving together.

If you are looking for a group of people to form these types of relationships with, we have two different types of groups: BELLS Groups and Serving Teams.

BELLS Groups

BELLS Groups are designed to help individuals develop skills and practice different aspects of these habits while connecting them with others who are learning to do the same. We hope that the skills and relationships gained from participating in these short-term group experiences, flourish long after the initial group experience.

Serving Teams

Every follower is called to participate in the Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven through loving our neighbors. While 90% of this happens in our individual context, serving together can create a bigger impact than what we can do alone. Serving Teams create opportunities for people to use their gifts to serve within the congregation, as well as in the community.